Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 21, 2009

Sorry for being gone today. Please follow the directions below to complete your assignment. Have a good Monday!

1. Open your book to page 61.
2. Read the arguments on page 61.
3. Answer question 1 with a minimum of 2 sentences.
4. Answer question 2 with a minimum of 4 sentences.
5. Answer question 3 with a minimum of 10 sentences.
6. List two references for question 3 at the bottom of the page.

You may type your answers on the computer and print them. When you are done, hand them in on the corner of my desk.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6th


I am sorry for being out of the building but I didn't want to get any of you sick.

1. Log on to
2. Research a movie that has to do with your section of Chapter 3.
3. After you have found your movie, post the URL (site address) in the comment section of this post.
4. Below your link, write one paragraph (5 sentences) about the song and why it pertains to your section.

PLEASE DON'T ABUSE THIS ASSIGNMENT!!! Do your work and don't get side tracked with other videos. I am trusting you. Thanks!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 25th

I apologize for being out of the building today. Now that we are done with Chapter Two it is time to begin preparing for Chapter Three. In this chapter we will learn about our role as the consumer. To begin this let's do a little research excercise.

1. Open your book to page 61.
2. Read the arguments on page 61.
3. Answer question 1 with a minimum of 2 sentences.
4. Answer question 2 with a minimum of 4 sentences.
5. Answer question 3 with a minimum of 10 sentences.
6. List two references for question 3 at the bottom of the page.

You may type your answers on the computer and print them. When you are done, hand them in on the corner of my desk.

Everyone have a great weekend!!!!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Lehman Brothers Research Paper

As discussed during yesterdays news clips, the Lehman Brothers Bank was one the first bank to fall. Their failure triggered a rash of failures and a recession began. Today we are going to research their existance and demise.

Assignment: Research at least three internet sites about the collapse of the Lehman Brothers. When you done write a paper describing the bank and how it failed. The paper should be one page double-spaced in Times New Roman. It should include the three different sources from which you found your information. The paper should be written in Microsoft Word and handed on my desk by the end of the class.


Monday, August 31, 2009

Economic Decision

Let's do a little research on current economic decisions being made in our country.

Assignment: Research and find a newspaper article that has an economic decision. After you have found your article, post your answers to these questions:
1. Was it a group or individual decision?
2. What was the opportunity cost of the decision?
3. What is the economic benefit of the decision?
4. Copy and paste the a link to your article.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Section 2

Alright, let's do a little review!

Post in here one trade off that you encountered lately. Also, add the opportunity cost of that purchase!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Anything that combines both Economics and McDonald's is good by me!!!

Here is an article that was on MSN today. Pretty interesting!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Welcome back to school. I am trying this new blog to see if we can get some good discussions going and to see if it makes class any easier. This blog can be used to check assignments or see materials that I presented in class (videos, powerpoints, websites, etc).

Your first assignment on the blog is to answer the following questions:

What do I need to add or subtract from the blog?

What is one thing that you would like to see on the blog that would make it interesting?

Lastly, please vote on the questions that is on the right sidebar.
