Monday, August 31, 2009

Economic Decision

Let's do a little research on current economic decisions being made in our country.

Assignment: Research and find a newspaper article that has an economic decision. After you have found your article, post your answers to these questions:
1. Was it a group or individual decision?
2. What was the opportunity cost of the decision?
3. What is the economic benefit of the decision?
4. Copy and paste the a link to your article.


keith.copeland said...

1. The Democrats are trying to lower the heath cost.
2. One idea is lowering the annual rate.
3. It could have the government paying 14% more for beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage.

Mikaela Runge said...

1) it was kind of both because some people individually are doing this to at least get some money, but then again a lot of people are doing this so it's a group thing.

2)it vary's because different people get paid different amounts.

3)whether to lose your job and not go out and find another job, or to lose your job and to go find a job that is atleast half as good.


Kay Kolts said...

1.) I guess it was a group decision because the corporation decided it.
2.) The opportunity cost was that they could have opened stores in other countries, such as USA or Great Britain.
3.) The Russian people will get more jobs like construction and sales associates.

Kelsea Covert said...

1: It was an idividual decision.
2: The opportunity cost was now that Senator Conrad has made that decision, less people are likely to support the public health care reform.
3: The money could go to something better, maybe even a health care plan that is laid out and planned out better.

Autumn Radcliffe said...

1) It was a group decision to pass a bill to fund global warming projects concerning farmers and ranchers.

2)The opportunity cost to me is that the funds could've been spent for health care re-form.

3)The economic benefit is that we will have a better understanding of how global warming could be effecting our crops and livestock, and what proper precautions we should be taking.


Lacey said...

1.Its not individually. Its a bunch of people trying to reform health care.

2.It depends because different people get paid different amounts.

3.Change Medicare cost and pay structure.


Jordan Kramer said...

1. It was a group decision many 9 of the 10 cities are slashing their spending, keeping their core services active however their extra services are disappearing fast.
2. Their opportunity cost was to wait for the stimulus packet to help, however since it would take to 2010 they had no choice but to make that only second best and cut spending on infrustructure projects.
3. The economic benefit is that cities will be able to supply their basic services. Many people say its not fair to cut spending on projects, but with the failing house market revenue taxes are dropping at a horrible rate.


Samantha Butzke said...

1. Was it a group or individual decision?
~it was a group decision~
2. What was the opportunity cost of the decision?
~increases in exports and private consumption~
3. What is the economic benefit of the decision?
~they expect a large surplus~
4. Copy and paste the a link to your article.

Ethan Heser said...

1. It was a joint desicion for york county to accept the monsanto plant going in and also monsanto's for building another plant by waco.

2. monsanto could of built in seward county or possiably in a differant state.

3. expation of monsanto's seed and resurch development and bringing revenue to york county.


Belinda Messimer said...

1. Group Decision
2. To wait for the stimulus packet, but until then they have to reduce spending on infrastructure projects.
3. Cities will be able to supply the basics.

Brad Copeland said...

1. Fed's decisions to increase the money supply
2.higher level to inflation between 1.5% and 2%.
3.strategy for reducing its large holdings of government bonds and mortgage-backed securities has centered on timing.

tesia.brackhan said...

1. Well im guessing that is was a group choice because EBay is a big net work. Not just one person runs the website.
2. They gave up keeping the Skype for their use.
3. The Ebay people bought skype for $2.1 billion, now they are selling it for $2.75 billion dollars. so got more money for it than its worth.

Danielle Trout said...

1.The Obama administration. And individuals.So it's a mixture of both.
2.The opportunity cost would be foreclosing their house. Well atleast thats what i came up with.
3.The economic benefit is that the housing industy will be helped if they foreclosed on thier house. Except that they don't really have anywhere to go.

Heather Grimes said...

1) A group decision, more of two companies (Disney and Marvel)

2) Disney is losing 4 Billion dollars which they could of spent other places but they are hoping to get more money in return with now having Marvel.

3) Disney is getting to show more shows on their channel and getting the rights to things such as, Spider-Man and Iron Man. They bought it for 4 Billion dollars.


Dawn Sayer said...

1. Henderson clinic giving flu shots.
2. They could be spending their time taking care of patients.
3. People in the community can get the flu shot and be more healthy.

mark batt said...

1. group decision by private investors, so kind of both.

2. the next best alternative is they could have spent the 1.9 billion dollars in cash on something else besides ebay.

3. the benefits of this is the new owners will help stimulate the economy with better ideas to get new investors.


Dylan Wiemer said...

1. To cut pay for school employees to trim budgets.
2.Some staff members are taking pay cuts to keep there jobs or move to the job of there choice
3.Schools will save money and have more money to budget on other things that are needed.

Megan Rashell Clonce said...

1. it was a group decision to want to change expand the healthcare in Indiana.

2.non-union shops would have to provide more expensive health benefits

3. people are getting more healthcare.


Emily Hemphill said...

1. It was a group decision, among multiple companies.

2. Expanding Disney, spending more money to create new characters of their own and improve their products and parks with their own material.

3. Disney will inherit funds from the comic book industry, as well as those of movies involving MARVEL characters. Disney will also gain ties with Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, and 20th Century Fox.


Logan Bruns said...

1. It was a group descision detroit is making cars again.

2.The cash for clunkers got detroit going again as well as other auto places.

3.It helped to get people in the auto industry working again.

Clint Gruber said...

1. it was a group decision between all the parents that also agreed with the guy doing the survey.
2. not really a opertunity cost in it.
3. it helps kids get more time with family and less time away from having to think about school.

Katie Bruns said...

Commisioners cut more than $60,000 from budget

1. It was a group decision because it was the Seward County Board of Commisioners that decided it.

2. With the money taken out of the miscellenous general, they could've put new carpet in the county attorney's office.

3. The commisioners cut $2,000 from the contribution to the CASA program, going from a $30,000 contribution to a $28,000.

Amanda Koski said...

1. In a way my artical was both because it started of talking about her making the decision of how she was teaching her class, and then moved on to how different schools may make the decision of teaching the same way.
2. By giving the kids a choice to read the books they want to read it gave her more time for her to do what she wants in class. So, she doesn't have to pick out books for them.
3. The economic benefit is that it gives kids in elementary and junior high to read what they are most interested in, itstead of forceing them to read something that does not interest them.

Dylan Wiemer said...

1. Group Decision

michelle runge said...

1. this is a group decision. they are trying to get the health reform to work out. and they will need more than one person.

2. the opportunity cost varies. we could use the money on other things instead of trying to change this.

3. the economic benefit would be that we wouldn't have to pay as much for health. it's so expensive that barely anyone can pay for it.


Cassidy Leif said...

1. Was it a group or individual decision?
The article never really talked about group or individual decisions. It just talked about the cash for clunkers program.

2. What was the opportunity cost of the decision?
If the cash for clunkers program hadn't happened, the car dealerships could have made more money off of the sales.

3. What is the economic benefit of the decision?
Car dealerships sold more cars because of it.

4. Copy and paste the a link to your article.

Tiffany Heine said...

1)more of a group desision which is the drug makers

2)it talks ab out how peope are filing law sutis aginst these people because they are find ways to save on drug making so it can help people out but these people that are upset about it think it is illegal to do this type of thing

3) it is alomst lowering drug costs at certain stores and making more money from it.


Aarik Naber said...

1. a group because obama is invaled with these people.
2.frannie and freddie get money back from the goverment. boost the market on houses and if it crashes frannie and freddie saddly get avodibly losses

Rebecca Brauer said...

1. It was a desicion made by two people.

2. The couple could have used the money to help make their next payment and maybe not have lost their home.

3.They lost their home nad had to move to a rental. Originally they thought they would make smaller payments and not lose their home.


Austin Petersen said...

1. EBAY is trading control of the online telecommmunitcations service skype for almost $2 billion.
2. ebay is getting 1.9 billion in cash and 125 million note.
3. it gives them a better chance of business because it wasn't working out.

john tonniges said...

people are trying to get more money and a way of doing that is to sell stuff they realy dont need.

the cost is giving up something to receave money.

the ponshops are getting more bisness and that helps the econome

Audrey Smetter said...

1. I think that it would have to be a group decision because it was a group that decided to do the cash for clunkers.

2. The opportunity cost of this would be, instead of using the money for cash for clunkers, the government could use it for health care reform.

3.The economic benefit of this is the fact that car sales have gone up and more jobs are being created.
