Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Welcome back to school. I am trying this new blog to see if we can get some good discussions going and to see if it makes class any easier. This blog can be used to check assignments or see materials that I presented in class (videos, powerpoints, websites, etc).

Your first assignment on the blog is to answer the following questions:

What do I need to add or subtract from the blog?

What is one thing that you would like to see on the blog that would make it interesting?

Lastly, please vote on the questions that is on the right sidebar.



Keith Allen Copeland said...

1. You need to put more info about yourself and hobbies you like.
2. Pictures of your pets or hobbies.

Kay Kolts said...

I think you maybe need to add some music and pictures perhaps? It would make it more interesting.
I would like to see possible video clips of current events or links to videos because they're much cooler than just articles.

Kelsea Covert said...

I think making the blog a little more colourful would make it much more interesting. Also, Making the sidebar shorter would probably be a good idea.

Shelby Collins said...

You could add a calender of when projects and assignment due dates.

Pictures make everything better.

Mikaela Runge said...

1) You need to add some decorations to this blog.
You don't need to subtract anything because it's perfect the way it is.

2)More pictures on this!

Autumn Radcliffe said...

Q1: You need to subtract your fish tank!!! It could be very distracting. Although, it's pretty cool at the same time.
Q2: I don't think that you need to change anything, you set this blog up accordingly to what you teach. Also, this is set up for a class, so I think that your blog site is set up just fine.

Samanrtha Butzke said...

maybe try and add more color... its kinda plain. you should try to add some econ pictures/regular pictures.

Lacey Naber said...

1. I think you need to add some bright colors.
Like hot pink,orange,yellow.

2.Maybe add some pictures of current events or something.

Jordan Kramer said...

One thing that could work is to add the stock market DOW, so when the stock market game starts people can constantly monitor how it is changing;
To make it more interesting to add what homework assignments that are added for the day, allowing people who are sick or gone to see what is needed for the day so they can prepare, or work to tell you in advance if they have multiple tests coming up.

Ethan Heser said...

its nice really nice maybe you should put a score bord on all the sports and stuff like that but it might b too much work for you

Belinda Messimer said...

The blog page is kind of..blah? a little more color would be better and maybe some pictures of economic related things.

The way you have it set up is fine for what you teach. If you add too many things it'll distract students.

Danielle Trout said...

1.Add a video link for current events.
2. I would like to see the page more organized. The sidebar is just way too long. :]

tesia brackhan said...

i like what you got going on here. its very convenient for everyone. i agree with kay kolts put some music on here or something. but i think this is pretty cool

Brad Warren Copeland said...

leave the infermation the same like weather and news.
put a comicin the blog for fun.

matt ihde said...

you should put more stuff that is intresting and cool and i like that fish thing its cool

but some videos that are intresting and things we can learn from

Mark Batt said...

I like the fish, it's pretty cute don't change a thing.

Marshal Rutledge said...

Some music and videos would be good to add.

Audrey Smetter said...

Um... I think that your page is pretty cool for what your teaching but it's really boring.

If you would add more color and maybe some pictures about things we are learning about it would really help a lot.
A calendar would also be very helpful to students.

Clinton Gruber said...

Its pretty dec nothing spitac but it will do put the stock market and oil prices down side bar little long!

MR. Burns said...

You should add more games like that fish tank and add more stuff to the side.

Dylan Wiemer said...

I think pictures would be good and maybe some music.Maybe the Stock market?
I think video clips would be good too

Anonymous said...

i like welding hanging with freinds and ridding dirt bike
like to she videos of ridding dirtbikes

Dawn Sayer said...

The fish tank really interests me, I like it, same with the poll thing. Also it needs something to make it more interesting.
Videos would be cool.

Anonymous said...

This is Sarah Mahalia Bailey and you most definetly need to add music and images to this blog. That would make it more interesting.
You should not get rid of the fish they are like awsome and cute! Also would you please add more color that woud be really awsome of you.

Rebecca Brauer said...

The current page is a little boring. It needs to be more eye catching. Maybe you could add some cool pictures or change the colors, and make the page a little brighter.

It would be nice to have a list of assignments and future assignments. Maybe you could add some discussion forums or something so we can talk/comment on different things.

Tiffany Heine said...

1. I really don't like the colors of it because its just so boring and doesn't seem real exsiting to me at all.

2. I would like to see something that will catch peoples attention and more highlights of things that kids will pay attention to!

Megan Clonce said...

1. just some color would be great.

Katie Bruns said...

music would definatly be a good thing because it would make it more interesting. and maybe some games relating to econ and plitics

Michelle Runge said...

This is a wonderful blog! You did a great job. Some things that may make it even better though is some color. Other things may be more games, and some more polls most definitely!

Emily M. Hemphill said...

The layout is boring and the colors need some work. Try adding more features, news stories with photos would make the page more appealing.

Post the syllabus on the blog, as well as all assignments and hand outs.

I like the fish :)maybe add visual aids and econ-related games.

Cassidy Leif said...

I think that you should get prettier fish. The ones you have are ugly.
I also think that you should add some games, too.
Also, you should add pictures to make it more interesting.
That's all I have for you.

john tonniges said...

you could put a calculator on it

Amanda Koski said...

I suggest that you should add some color to, just to make it a little more interesting. But, don't delete anything. Second, off I suggest adding pictures to the articles or just on the page.

Ausitn Petersen said...

Don't think that you need to get rid of anything. But I think that you need a college football blog.