Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6th


I am sorry for being out of the building but I didn't want to get any of you sick.

1. Log on to youtube.com
2. Research a movie that has to do with your section of Chapter 3.
3. After you have found your movie, post the URL (site address) in the comment section of this post.
4. Below your link, write one paragraph (5 sentences) about the song and why it pertains to your section.

PLEASE DON'T ABUSE THIS ASSIGNMENT!!! Do your work and don't get side tracked with other videos. I am trusting you. Thanks!



keith.copeland said...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGaOQKJik-s (Consumerism the Musical)
It's about the common consumer which they want a lot of things and realize that it's a wonderful life. Some don't realize that you can't barrow money with out the total down payment than just use a dime.As a comsumer we can buy items which can or can't boost the econnomy. It can all ways go bad if a person doesn't pay the rent and the taxes on most things. This music video does have some insight on how consumers act on normal means of life.

mikaela said...


In our section we researched about different types of advertising. This type of advertising is "competitive." They are trying to sell shamwow over paper towels. It would also be informative advertising in a way to, because it informs you of what shamwow is and does. We use competitive advertising every day to over sell someone else.

lacey naber said...


Comparison Shopping is getting info on types of products available from different stores and companies.This video informs us about how we use comparison shopping today. If you sell anything online thats a type of comparison shopping. A site for comparison shopping is yahooshopping.com. Online comparison shopping is much easier than physically going to all the stores and compare prices, when you can get on the internet at home and quickly find want you want for the lowest price.

Autumn Radcliffe said...


Money by Pink Floyd can be related back to consumerism because money is the driving force behind most of America’s decisions today. And in the song, he talks about how nobody better put their hands on his money. America likes to blow money like there’s no tomorrow. In the song, he talks about blowing his money on a jet. This song can be related back to my section, (Section 3), because this section is about consumerism, and obviously it deals with money. Also, in my section, it talks about how to be a smart consumer, gives helpful tips on how to make a smart buy. The reason why the book talks about how to make smart money choices, is because money isn’t just handed out, you have to earn your income.

Jordan Kramer said...

(the Taxes Song)
This video deals with taxes and how a man is being over taxed. This would deal with Diposable income, he talks about how he pays taxes on everything and then hardly has any money afterwards. The disposable income he has afterward then goes into so many things he can hardly afford to have a discretionary income. He talks about paying for all his needs, then when it comes to the wants and luxary items he has no money to buy them. And thats why he is asking them about taxes, he pays so many taxes on so many things, and his tax money is going to so many different oraganizations, that he has hardly any money to help himself or his children.

Samantha Butzke said...


I think it relates to our topic because its about thinking. People will think this guy funny because he wants alot of thing; but in reality they cant have everything. He keeps telling everyone how consumerism is a "Wonderful World." He also tells how none of his credit cards run out. I think if people watch it they would know alittle bit about consumerism.

Shelby (Period 1) said...


The lady in the video is selling her product by catching the attention of the consumers. She uses a clip from the movie MISERY to sell Direct TV. This movie pertains to advertising. The lady grabs the attention of the viewers by making them falsely believe they are watching a clip from Misery. Then she gets them interested by quoting lines from the movie. In the end she makes her sales pitch and leaves the consumer asking questions. Then Direct TV enters and tells you all the information you need to know to sign up.

Kay Kolts said...


In our section (section 2), we researched and learned about different types of advertising. In this video, the guy talking tells about how businesses advertise. He mentions McDonalds and how the picture of the food looks better then the actual thing. He also decodes what commen phrases businesses use to decieve us. We are exposed to advertising every day.